Modelo com distrofia muscular desfila na Semana de Moda de Nova York

Jillian Mercado possui a doença desde a adolescência; ela usou suas redes sociais para comemorar o momento

14 fev 2020 - 14h52
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A modelo e ativista norte-americana Jillian Mercado, 32, que possui distrofia muscular, desfilou pela primeira vez em um grande evento de moda e comemorou o feito em seu Instagram. Ela participou de um dos desfiles da Semana de Moda de Nova York no dia 9 de fevereiro.

Jillian comentou na publicação que sempre teve o sonho de participar de um desfile, em especial o da marca The Blonds, que ela acompanha há 10 anos. "Eu passei por inúmeras batalhas para garantir que esse momento fosse exatamente como eu imaginei", disse.

Ela também falou sobre a dificuldade que enfrentou para realizar o sonho: "Disseram de novo e de novo que isso nunca seria possível, que o mundo não estava pronto, que o mundo nunca daria uma chance". A distrofia muscular causa uma degeneração nos músculos de Jillian, que usa uma cadeira de rodas devido à doença.

This moment was brought to you by...?? Every single person who has a disability around the world that has felt unseen and unheard. For the countless of times that we all have shouted for respect and equal representation. Or for the times other people speak for us, not with us. For when we felt like we just didn't belong in this world because no one thought that we were capable of doing anything. The times where people speak to everyone about our problems or our needs but us. ? ? This moment is brought to you by a young girl looking through magazines-collecting them to the point of basically being a hoarder and watching fashion television while taking notes of how to be the best in the industry-being glamorized by the world of fashion and loving every single moment of what she saw but wondering if she actually belonged. Wondering if they would actually accept her for being exactly who she is, even though she never saw someone who had a visible disability in those magazines or television. Imagining what that would look like was nothing but a dream, a fantasy. One that she was told again and again that it would never be possible, that the world wasn't ready, that the world wouldn't give her a chance. This moment. This exact moment, It's for you.?? ?? I've been through countless wars making sure that this moment was exactly how I imagined through every obstacle you can think of. Determination helped me get to this moment and those who believed in me made sure that it was as perfect as I knew I could be. Thank you to @davidblond and @phillipeblond for giving me this opportunity of a lifetime, a huge mile stone in my career.?? ?? photo by

Uma publicação compartilhada por Jillian Mercado (@jillianmercado) em

"Esse momento [o desfile] é trazido para vocês por uma jovem menina que olha para revistas, colecionando elas [...] uma garota que estava amando cada momento do que via, mas questionando se ela realmente pertencia a esse meio", relatou Jillian.

It was about 10 years ago where at the time I was interning for various fashion brands and companies. I remember the exact day that I was finally invited to a fashion show year 2012. ? ? The excitement in my mind nearly exploded. I remember planning my outfit for the day, sleeping early to make sure I was not late and talking to my friends about how I couldn't believe that I was going to my first show! I couldn't contain myself and wore the most elegant outfit I had.? ? The line at the venue was around the block, I was so scared that the room would not have enough space for me. But thankfully, I knew a few people from school who were working at the door and took me to my seat. I can't even begin to explain to you the energy in that room. Everyone was waiting with anticipation, photographers were taking photos of everyone attending, and my adrenaline was at its highest of highs. From my seat the models on the runway were extremely tiny. I was sitting in row six but nothing mattered, I was just so happy to be there! I thought to myself as the models walked down the runway "one day I will be in the first row...Or better yet, how iconic would it be if I was actually in the show...!!!"? ?? Flash forward to a couple years and every season I attended this particular show. Every season I was blown away by how amazing their collections would be. To this day I want to own every single garment. ?? ?? February 9th, 2020 was a complete full circle. The Blonds was the first show I was ever invited to. Even then they understood that everyone deserves to feel included. Not only was I able to attend the show, year after year as a guest, I can now actually say I've been in the show. My very first high fashion runway show!! I can assure you that this is only ?the beginning. ?? ? ? Thank you to @theblondsny, @imgmodels @lorraine_antonetti ???? ?? Remixed music by @simensez from the iconic @rosalia.vt

Uma publicação compartilhada por Jillian Mercado (@jillianmercado) em

A modelo já realizou peças publicitárias antes do desfile e foi capa da revista Teen Vogue. Jillian destaca que tem mais planos para o futuro, enquanto luta por uma maior representatividade para pessoas com deficiências. "Eu garanto para vocês que esse é apenas o começo", disse ela na publicação.

*Estagiário sob supervisão de Charlise Morais
